I have stopped selling my cakes and creations for the time being to spend more quality time with my growing family. Whenever I need a creative outlet, a cake or two might emerge!

Enjoy the photos though!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Children's Favourite Characters

This is going to be a longer post than usual as I'm posting about my son's birthday cake.

This Cookie Monster Sesame Street Book is one of his favourite books.  It reads as follows:

C is for Cookie.
COOOOKIES! COOOOKIES! Best things to eat.
Chocolate cupcakes are also a treat.
Carrots taste good. Me like that crunch.
Corn on the cob makes very nice lunch.
Cucumbers are cool -- me can't get enough.
Cauliflower! Cabbages! Me LOVE that stuff!
Cookie Monster's crazy about cantaloupe, too.
Caramel is good but very hard to chew.
All these things delicious, but cookie's still the best.
Me give you one of the these and then me eat the rest.
Wasn't that fun? Thanks for eating with me.
And now that food's all gone...
Let's eat the letter C!!!

That's his favourite part of the book.  So ........that's what he got as his birthday cake.
And since mummy does fondant figurines as a hobby business, he gets other cartoon characters too.  A close up of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger (in their toddler years just like my son)

He also loves Blue in Blue's Clues but Blue got damaged before he got onto the cake.  Here's a photo of him alone.